3rd Blog Entry
Alright, Blog #3. Let’s get real.
One of the biggest struggles of being an artist—one that nobody really talks about—is MONEY.
Art isn’t just something that I love… it’s something I need to make work for me financially. And I know I’m not alone in that. So many Artists out there are trying to turn their passion into a career, trying to make a living off of something that, for most of their lives, has just been a hobby. But the reality is… it’s not easy. Art supplies, Time, Effort—it all costs something Y'know? And yet, when it comes time to price our work, there’s ALWAYS this weird hesitation, like we’re afraid to ask for what we’re worth. I just recently went through something like this with a commission where I wasn’t sure how much to charge. People love to admire art, but when it comes to paying for it? Suddenly, there’s silence. Or worse, you can sometimes hear things like, “Why is it so expensive?” or “Can you do it for cheaper?” or “I can give you this rather than what you’re asking for” and I’m at a point in my life where I don’t just want my art to help support me—I really NEED it to. I don’t have the luxury of treating it as just a little side thing i’m good at anymore. That’s why I made my website. Why I started a Tik Tok. That’s Why I’m putting myself out there. Because if there’s even the slightest chance that my art can help me push through my financial struggles, I’m going to chase it.
I know it won’t happen overnight. And I know the road ahead isn’t going to be easy. But if I can do what I love and make a living from it? If I can turn this passion into something that actually sustains me or at LEAST helps me out? Then every struggle, every late night, and every moment of doubt will be worth it. So, here’s to the Grind. Here’s to Believing in My Work. And here’s to proving that Art is Worth paying for.
Stay tuned.